Sunday, December 24, 2006

That song you played for me...

....transported me back in time, to a moment when I was someone else, when I thought differently, when I knew different people. Nothing remains the same, yet it seems so much so...the quickeming of the pulse, the desire to block everything out, the wanderings away from the path we travelled a thousand times....without ever getting anywhere.

Sometimes, when I hear that song again, I don't know how to think. Should I benumb my mind to its effect, so that I'll never feel like this ever again? It seems like a good idea. Face your demons and remove them once and for all. You can do it. But then, it doesn't feel like such a brainwave any more. I want to remember those things, because today, when I remember them, they give me the confidence in myself that I sorely need.

Do we cease to remain who we are, if we don't have our memories with us? Of course, if you agree that the real "you" was the one you saw in the mirror yesterday. But was it? Which leads me to conclude that there is probably no well defined being such as "Me".

In my case, I just look back over my shoulder and see my shadow following me. It has no face, and no colour, no expression. I paint it as I feel then and there, and that becomes the "Me" that may or mayn't exist.

Funny, isn't it?

But what about the songs of the days when I was blissfully ignorant? Oh...I so want to be there again...

Friday, December 08, 2006

Your Fortune Today

You will write a blog entry today.

