Take a picture
Or take two, if you should.
Give me an excuse
To never forget where we stood.
But for all you know
Even though I'll save
What I wanted to remain,
I might also feel
What I ne'er wanted to feel again...
Deviance....without defiance.
TO ANYBODY....who has played sports or has felt as one in heart and soul with the tennis player who hits that last forehand into the net after a gruelling 5-setter to signal his defeat......the basketballer who goes for that three-pointer with one second remaining on the clock, and misses it......the marathon runner who strains every muscle, every neuron, every bead of sweat on his body on the home stretch, only to see himself overtaken by a fitter or possibly smarter rival........the footballer who finds himself with the ball staving off an attack on his own goal, with his team a goal down and with 10 seconds to play......the fielder who makes an acrobatic pick up and throw, knocks the stumps down, but cannot stop the batsmen from stealing the winning run.
TO EVERY ONE of you out there who knows what it feels like to be beaten , and to hate yourself for it. Not because you didn't give it all you had, but because it was all you had, and no more.
TO ALL THOSE who didn't allow this to break them down, or push them over....you are my heroes.
PAINT your favourite smile on your face, clothe yourself in your best suit of irreverence, and be prepared to turn a sneering, insolent face to all that life throws at you. Even if it means telling lies to those who will be the most pained to see you in pain, even if it means forgetting how close you are to being somewhere you don't want to be, even if it means being misunderstood and criticized for trying to shield those you care for from the heat of your own sorrows.
IF THAT is what it takes to keep the world around you moving, then do it. Who knows how many people out there are seeing the world from your broad shoulders?
THE BIGGEST challenge in life is to be able to live with who you are, what you have, what you want and whether all these put together make sense or not.
THE NEXT hardest thing to do is to have the courage to ask yourself these questions, and actually try to answer them.
I hope to be able to do both these things by the time I'm through with my life.
(copied from my Orkut homepage on Jan. 13, 1954 hrs)